El blog de RinoaUnica

Me presento, soy Rinoa Única, ama y señora de este, el blog más enrollado de todo internet... ^_^

Muchos me conocereis por mi canal en youtube, que anteriormente era "RinoaUnica", y ahora es: "MelinaRinoa"


Saludos a todos los visitantes!

Os invito a quedaros un ratito... aquí hay muchas cosas interesantes: Final Fantasy, Anime, cine, música, novela fantástica, descargas... Además podrás encontrar todos mis montajes de video, acerca de Final fantasy y otros temas. No te olvides de dejarme un saludo, y así una huella de tu paso.

Si te gusta la fantasía, te recomiendo la sección de "Edelweiss de Nume", mi novela de género fantástico que tras ganar el certamen "Esperanza literaria 2009", ha sido publicada en mayo de 2010, y ya puede adquirirse bajo pedido online y en algunas librerías gallegas. Podeis hacer vuestras reservas y solicitar información en:




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Pulsa en este enlace para ver el NUEVO BLOG DE EDELWEISS DE NUME:


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domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

Edelweiss of Nume. Fantastic Novel Oficial Trailer. English Version

Click in this link to see the SPANISH version; (Para ver este tráiler en español, podeis ir a este otro enlace;)


This book will be published shortly in Spanish. If you like what you read, give me your support and share the video with your friends If you want send me your opinions, or give your support this novel somehow please get in touch with me via e-mail: rinoa_unica@hotmail.com


Through out my life I have confronted the biggest powers.

•Hate, which drives war.
•Supremacy, That makes some powerful, while to others that brings about submission...
•Greed, the root of all evil
•And Draga, who showed me the greatest power of all.
•...The love...

Sometimes I think I am dreaming and at intervals time passes by in
a normal way as the Sun rises every morning and sets every evening......
I have been searching for her six years; and ever since then I have gone
from mind to mind. I have been living sad and happy memories, yearning
for times gone by, longing to live future moments. Every day that goes by,
every mind that is left behind and every new thought in which I penetrate...
is always strange. My own feet never impulse me, rather my own awakened
will, yearning to see her again.....As if the man I once was had turned into a
simple parasite that needs others to continue living: a cloud could disappear
into thin air in the first coming storm.
If she has really died, there would never be another like her. Draga, as they
called the reason for my existance, as no one knew her real name; not even herself.
Those that baptized her did so due to the fact that she was always surrounded
by dragons and powerful creatures.
For me, the past was a comforting breath of fresh air that blew fancifully.
Now my thoughts were dispersed as if someone had shaken the jar of my thoughts
to scatter them. I kept forgetting and remembering constantly, ideas that were once clear were dull and interlaced to others I did not know were mine.
It was not simply morbid curiosity that compelled me to invade the intimacy of
strangers that crossed my path, nor was it even a mere distraction to forget my
pain while I played with that of others. I looked for particular characteristics in the thoughts of people. My finality and all my persistence was to hear that name again among them...the slightest murmurring of her still breathing. Draga seemed to be the only thing that stayed indelible in my mind, although I could not hear it beyond its boundries. Its five letters were solid, just as a rock resists the pounding of the waves amid an agitated sea.

Here, wherever I find myself, although I recall the warmth of her body, the smell of the battle, the loss of free will and the fight to keep control over my own actions... the pain of solitude and the implanted belief that this is what real strength consists of. Moreover she showed me that the powerful one is one who has someone by his side. That is why I am looking for her so desparately, although everthing points to her death, I won't stop until I see her lifeless body; or at best transform because of tragedy like a wounded animal that revives its strength, no one would have guessed where from, to continue living. For six year now I neither live nor die. I can see through the eyes of other not my own.

I don't even know if I continue in this world.....

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